Applied artificial intelligence enhances the producer's abilities to make informed decisions on environmental and management protocols based on animal behaviours, ultimately improving product yield.
Enhancing animal behaviour analysis allows the producer to have real-time data, which means slight adjustments can be constantly made to maximise productivity whilst reducing costs.
Constant surveillance of animals increases the chance of early identification of disease or breeches of biosecurity within the herd. Then necessary intervention or treatment can be administered, increasing overall animal health
Collection of real-time data with artificial analysis, allows the producers to make informed business decisions regarding animal health, environment and management protocols.
Real time data is only a click away using sensor technology. Partnered with machine learning and artificial intelligence, we can analyse this data to optimise farm management.
Constant monitoring will enable producers to observe behaviours indicative of early onset of disease within an individual or herd, resulting in early treatment interventions, and ultimately reduced loss of life.
Sensors provide constant real time data of animal behaviours and environmental conditions which when analysed, provides insightful information into the current health status and suggest corrective measures.
Improve current husbandry techniques such as housing and human contact by exploiting and analysing real-time data to identify optimum conditions for maximum productivity and welfare.
Reduce the need for human observation and interaction with livestock with smart sensors to collect and analyse both animal and environmental data and alert producers of when intervention is required.